@Atabarezz CouchDB isn't currently tested or supported by Alteryx. You may be able to connect to it using a standard ODBC driver if one is provided by the DB vendor. However, we can't gaurantee it will connect properly, or function as expected. For a list of currently supported data sources including database platforms and file types please reference our help documents at the following links
And now ?
Two ways to connect - 1) a generic ODBC driver if provided by CouchDB or a third party vendor (CDATA) 2) download tool via API.
If you download the ODBC driver, you can use the "Generic ODBC " option in the Input Tool to connect to the database.
You will need to configure a System or User DSN at the ODBC windows level prior to connecting in Alteryx.
You can also configure a DSN-Less connection string which then you won't need to configure a User or System DSN.
@PanPP- The issue here is that CouchDB doesn't really support ODBC out of the box so any ODBC driver will be third party. Let me take a step back - ODBC was not designed be compatible with NoSQL. NoSQL tends to use some Jsonesque format which is semi-structured or unstructured. ODBC tends to be designed for a structured database. I do not see how an ODBC driver would effectively work with a NoSQL source. These are best done via API - so you can buy a third party tool but it's probably not as useful as building an API and parsing json.
Unfortunately I did not find any free driver ...
I would strongly recommend using the API.