How to convert Date format in yyyy-mm-dd to yyymm in Double data type format?
@vkarthi8 is the date in format or in double?
do you mean that you want it to go from yyyy-mm-dd as date to YYYYMM as just a string of numbers?
If so try this in the formula tool with the following formulas
a) replace(tostring( [field]),"-","") set this to be string
b) tonumber( left([new field],6)) set this to be number output
You can combine this all into one with
tonumber( left(replace(tostring( [field]),"-",""),6)) setting output to number
Thank you.. This formulae worked " tonumber( left(replace(tostring( [field]),"-",""),6)) setting output to number "
@vkarthi8 great can you mark the post as the solution please?