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Conditionally append fields

7 - Meteor

I have a scenario where I have two columns that contain names (we'll call them column A and column B). I only want the names from Column B if the name doesn't already exist in Column A. Then, I want to take any unique names from Column B and append them as new rows in Column A. It's okay if any other columns associated are null with the append.


Any ideas?

9 - Comet

What you can do is as join on Left_Column A = Right_Column B. The right output of this join will have all values in Column B that don't appear in Column A. You can then do a union to get those unique Column B values as new rows.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Here's a workflow example.


Take care with this, joins are case sensitive. Therefore 'Charles' and 'charles' would be 2 different names. I recommend you to add first an uppercase formula or a lowercase one.

7 - Meteor

Worked like a charm. Thank you!

7 - Meteor

The workflow was incredibly helpful. Thank you very much :)
