Hi All,
Happy Friday!..I am trying to join text ( first name,middle name and last name ) into a separate column with the first name ,middle name and last name seperated by a space...Can you please let me know what formula needs to be used to accomplish this in alteryx..
@arunchandra You can use the + sign when working with strings to concatenate:
[FirstName] + " " + [MiddleName] + " " + [LastName]
I need help in the getting the needed output.
Please see below screenshot.
Need to get output
Hi @iceman,
1. First transpose by taking "key field" as CC no. and remaining fields will be as "data fields".
2. Then filter out the null records.
3. Now cross-tab by grouping CC no field, make field consisting A1, B1, C1.. as Headers and field containing names as Values and then concatenate it without using any separator.
Above steps will surely serve your purpose.
I need help in the getting the needed output.
Please see below screenshot.
Need to get output
Hi @vishwa_0308
Thank you for your quick response.
I don't quite understand as to how am I going to do it in Alteryx. Do you have like a sample flow as to how it works?
I apologize about this as I am a beginner using the tool.
Thank you
Hello @vishwa_0308
May I have a copy of this file that you have screenshot?
I appreciate if you can send me the file.
Thank you for your help.