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Compare Two excel files for differences

8 - Asteroid

Hi Team, 


I have two files with data of a ID and Name and need to compare both to see any differences week over week


Table 1


ID                Name

513450         XYZ

513450         ABC

11111           6789AF

513130         XYZ


Table 2


ID                Name

513450         XYZ

513450         DEF

11111           6789AF

11111           ABC

513130         XYZ

513130         ABC

513450         ABC


the output should be


513450         DEF

11111           ABC

513130         ABC



i was trying with a record id and transpose , but dint work through. Greatly appreciate the help


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @SouravKayal 


Join the data together on both fields and review the L/R anchors for dropouts (changes):





7 - Meteor

ok - but I am looking to compare every cell of 2 excel files with the same layout (field names & positions)


then must use transpose?



12 - Quasar

@tkozlyk  You can transpose then join on the appropriate fields to find you differences  

12 - Quasar

Hers is one way of doing it 

7 - Meteor

Yes, thank-you !

I mocked up mine based on yours and it works well. In my CPI's with my current alteryx flows, I want to ensure the original o/p is not broken. Hence, I want to compare both excel files (previous to my CPI & after my CPI) - both excel files have same schemas - to ensure cell values are not changed.

Many thanks again !

12 - Quasar

@tkozlyk Glad I could be of help and and that you were able to get your expected outputs 

8 - Asteroid

What if there are n number of rows and columns. What is the best way to compare each cells of two dataset to highlight the differences/changes?

12 - Quasar

@ilovecoding you can tweak the setup of the transpose to accommodate for different columns before joining them 

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Here are some good resources for comparing two data sets:


Check out this Knowledge Base article

Community > Support > Knowledge > Designer > How To: Compare Data from Two Data sets

Compare every value in every field from 2 different inputs


On the Gallery (Toolbox > Gallery at the top of this page) search for

CReW Delta (Alpha)

This macro allows a user to input two files that are expected to be equal. The user can select which fields are to be compared (BLOB and Spatial fields are not compared). The "Delta" output will include any differences.


Comparing Data from Two Sets of Data, Calling out Differences


Compare 2 Data Sets


Community > Getting Started > Alteryx Use Cases > Data Check Between Two Sources


Combining 2 Data Sets and Highlighting Differences in Output




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