I have 4 Input Data sets.
I have (PROD ID , PROD STATUS, PROD STATUS DATE) in all workbooks and sheets but also the schema is different in all workbooks)
( here I'm trying to bring different workbooks with different schema) but i wanted to bring only the Date sheet in all the workbooks.
The Product Lifecycle status are defined below.
PROD STATUS DATE is date field which represents the actual date of the PROD STATUS.
- First of i want to combine all the sheets with different schema.
- Secondly i want to find all the PROD ID that have a PROD STATUS = 4. Implemented and
- i want to Identify the WHERE The PROD STATUS = 4. Implemented take those Product and identify
- How long these 4.Implemented Products where at
1.Draft to 2.Design (No.of Days)
2.Design to 3.Development (No.of Days)
3.Development to 4.Implemented (No.of Days)
and finally Overall from 1.Draft to 4.Implemented (No.of Days)
Hi @suby ,
Here you go, this should work for you :-)!
Make sure to change the path in the directory tool :-).
Thanks for the solution.
Sorry I made a mistake on my Input Data set and i have reattached the files ( on two files instead of SNAPSHOT Date the column header was renamed as DESC)
Also could you please explain on the Directory tool should i just need to Point to a directory where i have all the Input Data set files?
On the Directory tool i just need to point to your Input folder where it has just the one file.(02-05-2022.xlsx)
Im getting the below error
Could you please explain through the flow
Hi Seb,
I'm getting the following error
@suby reg your question about directory , you need to mention the path of the folder/directory where all the input files present
Thanks Binuacs
Hi Seb,
How to bring these values in one column and then sum the PRODUCT ID.
1.Draft to 2.Design
2.Design to Development.
3.Development to 4.Implemented.
1.Draft to 4.Implemented
Hi @suby,
I'm not totally sure what you want to achieve tough i made some alternative outputs via the 3 browse tools :-).
The attached version is the updated version :-).