1. Can Alteryx help me time travel and collect data that should have been collected years ago?
2. Moving forward, how can I capture daily counts and write them to a db?
What I have:
Historic employee details including hire date and fire date, by dept.
What I don't have:
A weekly total number of employees (historically), in order to calculate attrition and retention as a percentage of the totally, dynamically.
Curve ball:
Employee tenure composition, by week, is a required output.
The data is pulled today, however I'm studying a time period between 1/1/2018 and 12/31/2023.
I'm fairly new to Alteryx, but I understand that I could potentially create a process to filter status by week, and count by status (total active, total terminated based on end date falling within that filter). But then what? Could I create a macro to calculate these totals every 7 days, and then output these counts to an alteryx db or folder with excel files, (somehow incorporating the date of the filter as a column or file name), and then use this newly made weekly historic count, as an input into my workflow?
We know Alteryx is amazing, but can it time travel? :)