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Brainstorming "Find Nearest" Data Prep for Tableau Map

11 - Bolide

This is a two-fold question...


First, I'm brand new to spatial tools so I'm wondering if there's a cleaner/easier way to accomplish what I have in the attached workflow.


The gist is, for each of my customer stores, what is the nearest competitor in the whole market (ROM) and what is the nearest store for each other competitor.


So I end up with something like this (completely made up, but practical data is in workflow):

Str # Nearest ROM Nearest Comp A Nearest Comp B Nearest Comp C Nearest Comp D
CustA_001 CustC_005 N/A CustB_011 CustC_005 CustD_002
CustB_003 CustD_007 CustA_031 N/A CustC_042 CustD_007


But given that I'm comparing every single store to every other single store five times, it gets messy...


Second, I'm trying to think of a way to structure the output so that I can plot these relationships on a Tableau map. I'd like to be able to choose a customer and/or a region, and then also plot the nearest ROM, Comp A, Comp B, etc. I'm thinking of a filter so I can select any combination of the competitors. Do I need to stack my results so that the data is "long" - more like this?


Str # Nearest Comp Comp Str #
CustA_001 ROM CustC_005
CustA_001 CustB CustB_011
CustA_001 CustC CustC_005
CustA_001 CustD CustD_002
CustB_003 ROM CustD_007
CustB_003 CustA CustA_031
CustB_003 CustA CustA_031
CustB_003 CustC CustC_042
CustB_003 CustD CustD_007


Can't quite wrap my head around the best way to prep the data...

12 - Quasar

Yes- your approach of thinking 'more rows' and the structure you are thinking of where your filter will either be 'ROM' or a specific competitor to return that result for a given location of yours will likely be the best structure for Tableau.


If you have nearest overall, then 4 specific competitors, I might use a filter off a single input and send each to the respective spatial match, then union them back together in the layout (long) you suggested.  That shouldn't be too messy.

11 - Bolide

I think your explanation of the workflow structure is what I did. It resulted in an exponential number of find nearest (each customer X overall, then each customer x every other customer). It's too bad that Find Nearest doesn't have a "Group By" feature. If it did, I would only need 2 tools per customer.


I'll make my data "long" and see if Tableau likes it better - thanks!


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