I'm currently having an issue with my batch macro. I'm trying to union a couple different iterations of a dataset that will have 23 fields after the batch macro.
I'm losing 4 fields somehow once I run my original workflow. Therefore, I end up with 19 fields instead of 23. I'm trying each Output Mode within my macro output, but everything is giving me the same result.
Does anyone know what might be going on here?
Thank you!
You'll need to provide some more information. Somewhere in your macro, there is something happening to drop the fields. It could be a union tool that is only bringing in fields that match, it could be a summarize tool that isn't including all of the columns. There are a multitude of possibilities. I would trace the fields through the macro to see where they drop.
Thank you for the response!
To clarify, there are 23 fields in the Output of the macro (the data is exactly how I want it to look). I even viewed each iteration of the macro manually and there is still 23 fields in the output of the macro. However, once I run the original workflow after saving the macro, the output anchor of the macro tool only shows 19 fields. Therefore, I'm not able to determine where data is being lost.
Thank you!
That helps a little. I would verify that the field names in your data going into the macro are the same field names used within the macro.
Yes, the field names in my data going into the macro are the same field names being used within the macro. I'm really sure what's going on.
Can you share your workflow or some mocked up data? It is really difficult to help if we don't have any information about the workflow or macro.
I ended up figuring out what the issue was, thank you for the support!
That's great! Would you mind sharing what the issue/solution ended up being so that people searching for help with the same issue can find the answer?
Can you please share what was the issue? I'm facing the same thing.
@y-alshuwail @You should probably create a new post for your issue. This one is older and a new one can be marked as solved. I’m not sure what happened with the original poster, but user never responded.