On Alteryx 2023.2 for BOX they used to have quick connect web login, that is no longer present and struggling to setup the Box Output through DCM, if anyone has gone through this would be interested in hearing there experience.
Hi @WillPCCC
Have you had a look at this page? https://help.alteryx.com/20241/en/designer/data-sources/box.html#idp388249
Hi David,
I have tried that website, however when using DCM and selecting the create connection it ports me to "localhost:54909/". I am not sure if that is because it is on Desktop or how I could resolve it, I will note the website changes every time i.e. "//localhost:55815 "
Add Redirect URI https://cef.alteryx.com/designer/oauthcallback to resolve the CEF window CORS issue.
Thanks for that recommendation, I am going to try reaching out to my admin to see if I can list it as DCM Optional, otherwise will see what works.