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Automating Hierarchical Structure Conversion

5 - Atom

Hello Alteryx Community,

I'm in need of your expertise and guidance! I'm currently working on automating a somewhat complex manual process that entails converting a hierarchical structure into a tabular format. I've attached a sample file that consists of two tabs: "Input" and "Output." This sample data exemplifies a parent-child relationship that spans across various business units and segments. It's important to note that beyond this sample dataset, the actual hierarchy extends to a total of 12 levels.

I'm wondering if it's feasible to transform this hierarchical structure into a tabular format using Alteryx. Your insights, tips, and advice on this matter would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance for your assistance.Screenshot 2023-09-14 104155.pngScreenshot 2023-09-14 104215.png

5 - Atom

I was able to create a flow that achieve the goal using Regx, Text to columns, multifield formula, and multi row formula tools. Please send me a message if you are struggling with the same problem I was. 🤓


I would recommend looking at the following links:


5 - Atom

This is a sample flow for yall. I used this to convert our essbase hierarchical structure into a lookup table that could be used in Tableau. 
