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Automated email not including table

8 - Asteroid

I have a workflow that does some calculations and then joins together the table with a generic message to send out in an email. Approximately 60 emails went out to different people with different tables and only one of them didn't include the table. The "Email Workflow Report Text tool" screenshot is the report text tool directly before the email output tool which shows that there should be a table in the email. The "Email Output" screenshot shows that the table was not included in the final output. 


This was the only email of the ~60 that only had one line in the table (Not including header/footer) so could it be that the table was too small to include in the email? That is the only thing that I can think of.




18 - Pollux
18 - Pollux

What is your Email tool configuration?

8 - Asteroid

Here is the email configuration

12 - Quasar

@Travis_Ratliff I see that the body of email has 'Layout' instead of 'Text'( from Report Text). Does the layout include the table? If not, you need to select 'Text' in the Body of email instead of Layout.

8 - Asteroid

The workflow goes Layout > Report Text > Email Output. The Layout is the table then the report text adds in the words and uses the "Attach text to existing field" to combine the message and the table into one and then email output sends it out

18 - Pollux
18 - Pollux

Can you try doing your Report Text as a separate field and using another Layout tool to stack them vertically?


Otherwise, we'd probably need to see the workflow - even with sample data would be fine, we wouldn't need the Email tool since we'd configure our own.

8 - Asteroid

@alexnajm It looks like making them their own layout tool and stacking them worked. But why lol? I would think it would work the other way as well as all of the other did

18 - Pollux
18 - Pollux

Great news @Travis_Ratliff ! And sometimes I ask myself the same questions - I don't have a good answer in this case :) but just experience with the reporting tools informed that suggestion!

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