i am using Auto field in order to automatically detect the columns type.
It seems that auto field is not able to detect doubles when we have Scientific Notation.
Do you know how to get over this ?
PS : I can't change the input data format
@AdilSo use toNumber() function
If my understanding is correct, this means that i need to determine which column is a Double and apply toNumber() on them before the Auto Field.
What i need is to make the AutoField detect the boolean columns automatically.
@AdilSo Boolean basically returns Ture/Flase value. What is the column value you are trying to change the type to boolean.
sorry i made a mistake when typing, what i meant is : What i need is do is to make the AutoField detect the columns' types automatically.
@AdilSo I tried with a TRUE/FALSE value in the column and the autofield converted it in to boolean
Hi @AdilSo
Can you provide a small input sample to demonstrate the problem? If you can provide it in the same format as your input file, Excel, csv, etc.
Thanks for the answer but still not enough. When doing this, the string and dates columns a replaced by "0". which is not the objective 😣
My original dataset has 100 col in different types. i want to avoid defining the types manually for each column as i know that the may change