I have some reports being sent to my S3 bucket in a specific folder. The files have names that also includes the date, are zipped files that have a single csv file each.
I would like to use Alteryx to download the most recent file daily and unzip the file, read the csv, clean up the data and append to a table on my Snowflake server.
I have tried the use the Amazon S3 Download tool, as well as the Input data tool to do this. I tried setting up a macro using text input. However, everything I have tried has failed to get the data into Alteryx.
I have an existing Amazon Upload tool macro that works, with no issues.
Has anyone else had issues and found a clear way to do what I need? Does anyone have an existing workflow that can be “cleaned up” so that I can recycle and use to get my downloads in motion?
I would appreciate any assistance you can provide! Thanks!!
Sorry, but our security is a bit tight, and I cant put certain things out there, so I have to black them out. Its the bucket name, the Access Key and Secret Key for the month part. I left the file naming portion visible in both cases. It is a zip file, and yes, it is a csv in the zip file. I can log in to the S3 and download manually and see the file. Just automating that part. I can see in my query that the Object name is being created properly and pushed into the batch macro. But that object doesnt seem to be getting placed into the Action Tool to get updated into the Object field. Not sure where that is going wrong.
right - but I need to see the replace a specific string part on the bottom. Ideally I'd just like to see what's being fed into the control paramter from the outer workflow. What's in the value in the action tool. and what's in the replace a specific string.
totally get security. I can't even auth into AWS CLI from my laptop. (can access some systems via browser -> if you tell that to your security team they'll look at you like you are crazy -> there are some mitigating factors).
And this works when run as a macro but doesn't update the value when run in a workflow?
It doesn't work as a macro. I've been trying and tweaking things since November, with no success.
OH -> When I say as a macro -> I mean can you run with the template/base data. You need to get that working first - and then add the variables/dynamic component.
what kind of error are you seeing?