Good afternoon,
I just completed the third practice exercise through Alteryx academy. Does anyone know/understand how the sample/correct answer was generated.
I think my workflow generates the correct answer, but my results do not match the sample correct one. Just curious if anyone can share some light on it. I think the goal is to be able to use the software comfortably which I accomplished but I can't understand what exactly the thought process is to generate the correct answer.
Solved! Go to Solution.
In this exercise you're gathering statistics about employee purchases. Lookin at each of the output fields in turn
1. Report ID. One row for each report submitted by an employee in the Initial State input.
2. Total. This is the total cost of the order. For each line item take the (unit cost-discount amount)*quantity+shipping. Note that the discount is given as a percentage so you'll need to do the math to convert that to a discount amount
3. Total Saved. The difference between the total before the discount and the total after, not including the shipping cost
4. The elapsed time from the submission date until the reportID is completely paid off
Hope this helps
Hello Dan,
Thanks so much for your response. It didn't occur to me that the discount was a percentage, but if you take it as a percentage then the rest of it begins to make a lot more sense. I appreciate the help.