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2019.1 Designer Unstable and Throwing Errors

8 - Asteroid

Since installing Designer 2019.1, I have had several issues with workflows hanging up processing for hours and I'm not able to stop the run without Taskmgr. I have also received several runtime errors that require a reboot of the device where Designer is located. Now I am receiving an error statig: "There was an error while loading: The type initializer for 'AlteryGuiToolkit.Gallery.GalleryConnectionManager' threw as exception. External component has thrown an exception."  Now the Designer client will not start.  Any suggestions?


This is an issue we need to fix. I would like to get some more information from you so we can fix it on our end.


Can you please do the following?

  1. Type Windows+R, enter "regedit" and then hit enter
  2. Browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SRC\Alteryx\GalleryCredentials
  3. Right click on the GalleryCredentials folder, Export it, and then send the file to

There is likely something in this list of gallery credential registry entries that is causing an exception.


Also, be careful when editing the registry, but if you clear out the entries in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SRC\Alteryx\GalleryCredentials you should be able to open Alteryx again. You will need to re-create your connections to the Gallery. Send me an export of those registry entries before you do that please.



8 - Asteroid

 I responded to your first post via email with the requested attachement. I didn't clear any entries since I was able to get Designer wafter a clean re-install.

6 - Meteoroid

We have 2 users that are experiencing this issue with 2019.1 and we have tried fresh installs and actual reimaging one of the users computer and it worked for a day or 2 and then back to the error.  Now when she hits the icon she gets a spinning wheel and then nothing.  Anyone have any fixes for this?


We have put in support ticket for one of the users and haven't gotten any resolution now going on multiple weeks.


If it is possible, they could upgrade to 2019.2, which should have had this issue resolved.


Otherwise, for a 2019.1 workaround, have them:

  • Close Alteryx
  • Type Windows+R
  • Enter "regedit" and then hit enter
  • Browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SRC\Alteryx\GalleryCredentials 
  • Wipe all of the registry entries in the right pane (one of them may not let you delete it)
  • Restart Alteryx
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