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I want to compare one column which include date and datetime format with other column which is a date format, how can I do?

8 - Asteroid

as you can see ,it include date and date time format ,and the other one is date format.


Hi Wu,

Here are the steps to do this:

  1. Select the column that contains the DateTime values.
  2. Click on the "Add Transformation" button.
  3. Search for the "Date/Time" transformation and select it.
  4. In the "Date/Time" transformation options, select "Date" as the output type.
  5. Choose the appropriate date format for your output column.
  6. Click "Add" to create a new column with the extracted date values.

Now that you have a column with just the date values, you can compare it with the other column that contains date values.

Please let me know if have any further queries.

Thank you,
