Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Connecting Alteryx with snowflake data source

8 - Asteroid

Hi everyone i have to connect Alteryx with snowflake data source ,what all details i need to collect to start the process and how to do it . i'm new to connecting alteryx with data sources also do i need prior access of snowflake data source to connect with Alteryx? Thanks in advance.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

These articles will help! How to Connect to Snowflake from Alteryx & Snowflake ( Most importantly you need the Snowflake driver installed (you can get this from Snowflake or the Alteryx download site) and you have the credentials to access Snowflake.

18 - Pollux

@alexnajm - you guys carry more weight than I do - can you flag that as needing edits?



Your Password


DatabaseRequiredThe name at the top of your worksheet, next to the database symbol
SchemaRequiredYour schema name is the one by the star network symbol on your worksheets
WarehouseRequiredTop right on your worksheets, 2nd one in.
RoleRequiredTop right on your worksheets, 1st option.
TracingRequiredSet it at 3


Tracing is required - but I set it at 4 for best practice vs 3 - the others are not required. (Password isn't required when authenticating via externalbrowser).

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Can do @apathetichell !
