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Jagdeesh enjoys being on the 'data' roller coaster, right from its inception all the way up to its interpretation. He aspires to consistently enable clients to view and use Alteryx not just as a toolset but as an orchestration platform that can enable process automation, data transformation, advanced analytics and reporting in a fast paced environment.

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Name Jagdeesh Narayanan
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Date Registered ‎09-29-2017 01:47 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-01-2024 11:41 AM
Total Messages Posted 447
Total Likes Received 245

My Certifications

Alteryx Foundation Micro-Credential

Understands basic data analytics concepts and key Alteryx Designer functionality.

Alteryx Designer Advanced
- Expired

Understands a wide breadth of tool functionality and can apply knowledge to complex problems.

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Date Last Visited
‎05-01-2024 11:41 AM
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