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Error posting to a look up column using Sharepoint Output tool

5 - Atom

Hi all! I am having trouble outputting data to a sharepoint list with a lookup column. I updated my Sharepoint Output tool from v.2.1.1 to v.2.4.2. We also went from Alteryx 2021.4 to 2023.1 for reference.


SP List Output v.2.1.1 tool allowed for posting to lookup columns, just needed to format it for the ID and "#". No big deal.


However, with the upgraded SP Output tool, it fails when a lookup column is included in the output. It does not fail when the lookup column is excluded, leading me to believe the issue is the lookup column. 


So I tried a few things.. The first error message was "could not convert string to float." The lookup value I was trying to output was "2;#First Estimated Payment." Just to troubleshoot, I created a new lookup column on my SP List using just the ID, a number. I also made my output to that new column to be "2" and made sure it was a double field. Then after rerunning the workflow with the changes, i got a new error message saying "Error in adding list items" - that's it. I didn't think that trick would solve it anyways but I am out of ideas.


I also tried the v.2.4.1 version - same issues. 


Is anyone else having this same problem on either of the newer versions? I don't see any similar posts.. Thanks all!

5 - Atom

I'm having the same issue.  I first tried with Alteryx 2022.1 and Sharepoint Tools v2.4.0 and received the rather hilarious error of "Server got itself in trouble".  I've now upgraded to Alteryx 2023.1 and Sharepoint Tools v2.4.1 and am receiving the same error as you are.  Have you heard anything from Alteryx on this? I was about to log a support case. 


Screenshot 2023-10-10 131836.png

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

"Server got itself in trouble" 😂


Following this post because I'm curious as to the solution. Keep us posted.

9 - Comet

I've seen the same error with the latest version of the Google Drive Input tool (1.2.1).  It was a blip, I reran the workflow 5 minutes later without changing anything and it just worked.

5 - Atom

I'm using Alteryx Version: 2021.4.2.40860.  SP tool version 2.4.2.  I was trying to update a SP List row by ID.  I had to create a new column I called Original ID as a single line of text to do my look-up / update.
