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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

koh jun yang joshua.jfif

SparkED learners are all over the world and benefiting from the power of data analytics in countless ways. We recently spoke to Koh Jun Yang Joshua about his journey as a student at Temasek Polytechnic and intern in the world of data analytics and his experience with SparkED. Here is the transcript of our interview with Joshua. 


Tell us about your experience learning Alteryx


My journey with Alteryx began in my second year of my Diploma in Big Data and Analytics, right around the time I attended Alteryx Inspire on Tour in 2023. It was an eye-opening experience, talking to professionals who were so adept with Alteryx, learning about the various applications of Alteryx and the people behind it sparked a deep interest in me.

Motivated by my experience, I dived into learning Alteryx through the SparkED program, where most of my learning was done through instructional videos, tailor-made learning paths and supported through the vibrant Alteryx community who played a crucial role in verifying my understanding and clarifying my doubts. I got really involved in the weekly challenges too, which was a fantastic way to learn from the community champions! Achieving the Alteryx Core certification within the first months of my Alteryx journey and being the first in my school to do so, was a proud moment and a testament to the learnability of the software and the accessibility of Alteryx's resources. It's been quite a ride, engaging with the software and seeing my skills grow steadily.


Why did you decide to learn data analytics? 


I decided to learn data analytics because, in this era of Big Data and even bigger possibilities, the role of data analytics has become more critical than ever before. We're looking at a landscape where the amount of data generated is colossal and the insights that can be drawn from this data are equally vast. The exciting part is that this isn't just about handling large volumes of data; it's about uncovering the potential within this data to drive innovation, inform decision-making, and even predict future trends. It's like being a modern-day explorer, delving into this vast sea of data, finding patterns and making sense of it all!

It's fascinating how the informed application of data analytics can transform raw, previously illegible, data into actionable insights. It’s this ability to drive change and make informed decisions based on data that really drew me in, it’s a skill that’s not just academically rewarding but also incredibly relevant in today’s data-driven world.


Can you give me an example of how data analytics helped you solve a particular problem, such as for a school assignment? 


During my coursework in Big Data and Analytics, I encountered a school assignment that required us to analyse business insights to improve customer satisfaction for an airline company. This project was particularly challenging due to the vast amount of data we had to sift through, including customer demographics various metrics. I originally completed this project back in early 2022 in Python, however revisited this project again last year with Alteryx to test my knowledge before I embarked on my internship with SIFT.

Revisiting this project with Alteryx was an enlightening experience that highlighted the efficiency and power of this tool in handling complex data analytics tasks as in my initial approach with Python, I spent a considerable amount of time writing and debugging code to manipulate and analyse the data. However, with Alteryx, I found that I could achieve similar, if not more sophisticated, results with a more intuitive, drag-and-drop interface.

Moreover, Alteryx's advanced analytics capabilities allowed me to delve deeper into the data. I utilized its predictive analytics tools to identify patterns and trends that were not immediately apparent when I first tackled the project using Python. For example, I was able to use Alteryx to create customer segmentation based on travel frequency and demographic, which helped in identifying key customer groups and their specific needs and preferences.

Re-doing this project with Alteryx also significantly reduced the time and effort required to reach meaningful insights. What initially took several weeks in Python was accomplished in just a few days with Alteryx, demonstrating its efficiency and user-friendliness! Revisiting this project with Alteryx also opened new avenues for taking the project further, with Alteryx's comprehensive suite of tools, I could explore aspects of the data that were previously challenging or too time-consuming to address such as advanced customer behaviour analysis.


What excites you about data analytics?


What really excites me about data analytics is its transformative power, it's like having a superpower where you can turn raw, unstructured data into meaningful stories. The way data analytics is shaping industries, driving innovations, and helping in making informed decisions is just phenomenal. Every time I work on a dataset, it feels like I'm uncovering secrets, and there's always something new to learn or a different perspective to consider!


How do you feel about the learning program offered by Alteryx SparkED?


The Alteryx SparkED program has been an absolute game-changer for me. At the start of my journey, I was relying on tutorials on YouTube, whilst they were useful and a good start, learning from SparkED was vastly more effective, while those tutorials provided me with a basic understanding of the software, SparkED offered a more structured and comprehensive curriculum that really elevated my learning experience.

The program caters to both beginners and advanced users, this flexibility enabled me to navigate through the learning process at a comfortable pace, yet with a definitive and clear trajectory for progression. The balance of theory and practical application, learning paths, the community support, and the resources they provide have been instrumental in my learning journey. It's one thing to learn a tool, but SparkED has helped me understand how to apply it in close to real-world scenarios, which was invaluable.


Tell me about your internship


My internship at SIFT Analytics has been a profoundly enlightening experience, particularly in expanding my practical knowledge of Alteryx. In academia, learning data analytics is mostly theoretical, but applying these skills in the business world is a whole new ballgame!

During my time at SIFT Analytics, I was able to work closely with accredited and experienced Alteryx professionals on real-world business problems and solutions, which provided me with invaluable hands-on experiences. I mastered complex workflows, employed predictive analytics and further grew my knowledge on how to streamline my workflows. Alteryx proved to be an incredibly versatile tool, allowing me to tackle a variety of challenges across different business sectors, ranging from financial analytics to healthcare data management.

Moreover, the internship allowed me to explore new and powerful functionalities of Alteryx that I had not been exposed to before. For instance, I delved into the intricacies of data blending and advanced analytics, discovering how Alteryx can be used for sophisticated data modelling and decision-making processes. The projects I worked on required me to integrate data from disparate sources, cleanse and transform it, and ultimately derive actionable insights, all achieved using the power of Alteryx.

The supportive environment at SIFT Analytics played a crucial role in my learning journey. The team was always open to sharing their expertise, offering guidance on best practices in Alteryx, and encouraging me to experiment and push the boundaries of my knowledge. This mentorship was invaluable as it not only boosted my technical skills but also gave me a glimpse into the strategic aspects of data analytics in a business setting.

In summary, my internship at SIFT Analytics has been an exceptional journey of growth and learning, especially in the realm of Alteryx! It has been a perfect complement to my academic studies, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application, and preparing me for a future career in data analytics.


What are your aspirations for the future?

Looking ahead, my aspiration is to become a data analyst, a role where I can fully utilize my skills and passion for transforming data into meaningful insights! I envision myself working in an environment where data is at the forefront of decision-making, contributing to strategies that drive business growth, innovation and efficiency.

My experiences with Alteryx during my internship have particularly shaped my interest in specializing in data analytics for business intelligence and I aim to delve deeper into predictive analytics and machine learning, harnessing these powerful tools to forecast trends and aid businesses in making proactive decisions. The idea of being able to predict market changes or consumer behaviour using data is incredibly exciting to me and by mastering these skills, I hope to bridge the gap between data and decision-makers, ensuring that insights are not just generated but are also understood and acted upon effectively.

In the long term, I see myself taking on more roles, perhaps as a data analytics consultant. I am keen on not just being a part of data projects but also leading them, strategizing on how best to leverage data for organizational success. Additionally, I am passionate about mentorship and education, so I also aspire to give back to the community by teaching and guiding future data enthusiasts, much like how I was supported and inspired by others in the Alteryx community!

All in all, I aim to further my skills, maybe pursue a specialized master's, and eventually contribute to meaningful projects that can make a real difference in people's lives!


Is there anything else you’d like us to know about your learning journey?


I'd like to emphasize that my learning journey in the realm of data analytics has been a multifaceted experience, far beyond the acquisition of technical skills, it's been a journey marked by deep connections with a diverse and vibrant community of learners, educators, and industry professionals. Engaging with this community, particularly through platforms like the Alteryx community and during my internship, has not only enhanced my learning but also provided me with invaluable networking opportunities. These interactions have opened my eyes to different perspectives and approaches in data analytics, enriching my understanding and appreciation of the field.

Furthermore, this journey has been much about pushing my boundaries, both intellectually and creatively. Each new challenge, whether it was a complex dataset at my internship or a tricky problem in the Alteryx weekly challenges, has been an opportunity to stretch my limits and grow! This constant push has been crucial in developing not just my analytical skills, but also in fostering a mindset of continuous learning and adaptability, qualities that are essential in the ever-evolving field of data analytics.

The journey so far has indeed been incredibly rewarding, it has been a blend of learning, personal growth, and a deepening appreciation of the power of data. I'm truly excited about the endless possibilities that lie ahead in the world of data analytics! And as I continue on this path, I look forward to contributing to innovative projects, sharing my knowledge with others, and remaining an active participant in the data analytics community. The journey is just as important as the destination, and I am committed to making the most of every step along the way!