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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Here's an interesting fact: 7 of the 10 largest telecommunications service providers in North America use Alteryx for their business analytics.


But, we also provide our unique software solution to many smaller, rural providers. Despite the obvious differences in size, all service providers share the common problem of being able to access and utilize their BSS, OSS, and CRM data to its full potential. Often we hear that this key information is stuck in organizational silos, and on the rare occasion when other departments get access to pieces of these data sets, they're in a format that doesn't support easy manipulation and integration with their own data.


This week at 4G World 2011 (October 24-27 in Chicago), we explain how this challenge can be easily solved with Alteryx. Bob Krulcik, Communications Vertical Market Practice Leader at Alteryx, addressed the issue at 4G World's Customer Experience Summit during his panel presentation ("Assuring Optimal Experience beyond the Network," yesterday afternoon.


Bob explained how our Customer Experience Management solution combines engineering data (such as PCMD readings and tower locations) with billing records to analyze the experiences of top customers as they move throughout a wireless network.  This insight allows proactive steps to be taken to address network issues before they are service affecting, ensuring higher customer satisfaction rates and reducing churn. This tight integration of engineering and marketing data allows the time required for FCC Form 477 and Covered Population analyses to be reduced from days or weeks, down to only a few minutes.


During the rest of the week, we're in Alteryx booth #1528 at 4G World showing examples of how service providers are using Alteryx to integrate and process the massive amounts of disparate network and business data so common in telecommunications systems. We are running reports in minutes that take hours or days to generate with competing solutions, and we're sharing examples of the detailed reports and atlas-quality maps upon which our Alteryx users have come to depend.


If you are at 4g World, please stop by and say "Hi."