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Tips for eliminating initial Python loading time?

5 - Atom

Hello everyone,


From what I understood, the Python tool has to load a virtual environment in Alteryx everytime the tool is run, which causes an incompressible initial loading time for each instance of its use.


We expect to run over a hundred workflows daily using the Python tool.
Is there a way to load the environment once and for all at the start of/upstream of execution to ensure better performance for all workflows?


Things that we've tried so far to boost performance:

- Putting all Python tools in Production mode

- Disabling Auto Configure

- Putting the Python tool outside of a macro and running the whole dataset through the tool (instead of reiterating the loading time with every line being ran through the macro)


Thank you all in advance, :) 

5 - Atom

Echoing this thread. @starburnsid did you end up finding a solution?
