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Tableau Input .hyper issue

Scope: Attempting to pull in Tableau Datasource into an Alteryx flow to feed.

Version: Alteryx 2023.2.1.89 Patch: 2

Tool: Tableau tools: 1.4.0


Problem: I have a data source that is built on Tableau server. The input's are two other tableau data sources off of SQL server tables, then it they run through a prep flow to create a Tableau data source or .Hyper on our server.


I am attempting to connect to this hyper file via Alteryx to process it as an input to schedule and feed an API. However the tableau tools input plug-in does not connect to the datasource as it cannot find a table from the .hyper. I have tried no table name, table1 (As suggested by another help doc), and the supposed table name when viewing in tableau server & desktop "Migrated data". None of these table names work.


Bumping this, Still have no solution in place to query the tableau data source
