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SFTP URL export has hex characters but I need them back to local language

11 - Bolide

I have a dilemma that I am finding to be in a catch 22. 


we have a large SFTP site that we need to download via Alteryx Server (versus someone doing it manually on their own machine) it is over 60GB and 800k files.


I was able to traverse the whole inventory and get the folder structure and the files and I am ready to run this job end to end.


However, I noticed that the sfTP tool that I used exported the address with Hex characters instead of the local language characters (i.e Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Greek)


Japanese example


This is how the tool exports the URL



This is how it should look when I save the file on our side.



Another one for Greek


URL from sFTP tool



How it needs to be saved

ZTwX9ZElQruYdAoQ_5N01JrDRWABWUNS8-Пример листа ознакомления с тренингом.docx



Is there a way to "convert" this address back to the local language using some kind of find and replace or REGEX? I need it to work universally for any of the language types. 


Thanks for any suggestions. I  have not found another approach for getting the entire inventory exported as a CSV or TEXT with the local language intact. 

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Here is what I would try. If you can find a list of the hex/local language pairings, you can try and use the "Find Replace" tool to lookup against the URL. Check the example I have attached. You can see it start to work, but I don't have Greek or Japanese values in my list.

Treyson Marks
Managing Partner
DCG Analytics
18 - Pollux


Quick things to troubleshoot...


1) is the download tool set to download in UTF-8 (OR UTF-16)

2) is the data downloaded directly into the datastream/saved as a string or saved as a file.

3) if it's read back in from .csv - what's the text encoding on the input data tool.

4) is there a manual conversion from vw_string to string at any point in the workflow?


