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Python tool loses code

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Has anybody else lost their Python code? It has happened to me twice. I go to run my workflow and see that my few hundred lines of code have been deleted and replaced with the standard default:


8 - Asteroid

it happens with or without those warnings 

9 - Comet

I'm also experiencing this sporadically, sometimes it's just the last 1-2 lines written, sometimes the entire code section of the python tool is blank when opening it again.

Edit: Scratch that, now every time I open the workflow and go to the 'Interactive' view instead of 'Production' it completely resets the code.. How is this still a bug considering there are threads about this all the way back into 2018?

5 - Atom

I regualrly have this problem. Sometimes the code reappears but when this happens is seemingly random. This is after following best practice and saving before the notebook and workflow before closing. This seems to happen more often if the notebook has been inside a tool container that was turned off. 

8 - Asteroid

The easy fix is import your script in and this way it only ever be lost. Do your dev elsewhere which is annoying I know.

5 - Atom


It is 2023 and am running version 2022.1.1.42619 admin designer with no admin privileges and am still having this issue. Has this been resolved or slated to be resolved in future fix packs/releases?

5 - Atom

I'm dealing with this issue in 2022.3.1.573 - never had the code disappear completely, but sometimes will just randomly revert back to a prior save - maybe the last save, or maybe several saves ago...and sometimes I notice immediately, and sometimes I don't and end up needing to make the same edits I already did because I've basically branched my code without realizing. very annoying. 
