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Put Multiple Cell Data Into One Cell

8 - Asteroid

I have two excel files. The first one called Names contains a list of names.


Preferred Name
James John

Annie White

Zachary Helms


The other file, named Assignments that has many different columns with several sets of data. Out of the many columns, the two that I am interested are called Manager Name and Project Name. All of the people in the Names file can be found in the Manager Name column, but not all of the people in the Manager Name column are in the Names file


What I want to do is get all of the projects that belong to the people in the Names file and create a new file which only contains two columns, Name and Project Name where the projects are separated by commas. A sample output is the following:



Preferred NameProject Name
James JohnUpdate XRN, Change WBS

Annie White

Create New Rapid Valves, Introduce new Scripting

Zachary HelmsModify Database Foundation


I have tried the following flow, and I am able to retrieve the projects assigned to the names.




However, they show up as individual cells:


Preferred NameProject Name
James JohnChange WBS
James JohnUpdate XRN

Annie White

Introduce new Scripting

Annie White

Create New Rapid Valves


How can I group all of the project names together based on who the manager (preferred name) is?




12 - Quasar

Have you tried using Summarize tool and use project name as Conc value?

8 - Asteroid

Nevermind, I think I've got it now using Conc and summarize tool. Thank you!
