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Multiple file import workflow and multiple tool in the workflow

11 - Bolide

Hi Community,


Currently i would like to build a workflow whereby the concept will be like the screenshot below. I have one question and  would like to seek your advise on how to build a better and dynamic workflow.


1. If you can see from the screenshot below, there are three source of file being imported. This is the comprehensive workflow that i try to build. However, sometimes, i would just need to import one file , ie : xlsx format file only and no csv or txt file. In some circumstances, i would need to import two files , ie ; xlsx and csv file into the canvas as shown in the screenshot below. However, the another one tool (which no file being imported) , i plan to leave it in the canvas and does not want to delete it because i may need to use it next time.

   - In this situation , may i know how can i keep the tools or related workflow in the canvas without deleting them and at the same time, it will not affect other workflow.







Have you thought about putting each of the Inputs in containers? You can easily disable the containers using the blue slider in the top left hand side of them. This would allow you to keep the tools in the workflow, but disable them for situations where you do not need them. 


Article for reference: 

11 - Bolide

Hi @BrandonB,


Thanks for the great information on this. I never thought of this. Do you have the example of workflow for me to do the reference?



Thanks again for your input


It would look like this:




When the container is disabled, the tools in it will not run. In the above screenshot, you can see that the top two data sources will be unioned together, but the tools in Container 8 are disabled and therefore will not interfere with the workflow. I have also attached this workflow as reference. 
