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Highlight in Bar Chart

5 - Atom



I'm trying to create a bar chart using the Interactive Chart tool, which shows data for a group of organisations, so an organisation can see where it compares to others within a parent organisation.


The report is rendered to html and a copy will be emailed to each organisation. I want to be able to highlight the organisation that the report is sent to, so they can make the comparison.  I can create the report at parent level, which shows all organisations, but I can't think how to highlight a single record within the group.  


The screen shot shows what I'm trying to achieve (this is from another product).  Does anyone know of a way to do this?


I'm conscious that this is a bit vague, so I'll knock up an example and post it so people can see what I'm trying to do (I can't share the full workflow for business reasons).



7 - Meteor

Hi @Mark_Gordon 


I think this is what you're after. Seems a bit hacky but my solution was to create a separate field that's zero for everything but the value you want to highlight. Then have two layers, with the bar mode set to overlay.


Then your top layer can be the highlighted one.


Attached my workflow with some complete nonsense data.






5 - Atom

Hi @Jon-B


Thanks for this.  


The problem I'm having is that I need to produce a report containing the graph for each Customer Segment (organisation in my data), and then send a copy of the graph to each organisation, showing their relative position. 


In my full workflow I'm doing this at the render stage, grouping the html output on the organisation the chart is batched at parent level, but I need to be able to output a highlighted version for each organisation. It feels like I need to iterate through the data before I get to the render stage to create separate graphs, but not sure how to tackle this (a batch macro maybe?).


I've attached a very basic mockup of the workflow, to give an idea of the steps I have in place at the minute.

