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E mail Body Formatting

7 - Meteor



I have developed workflow with an E-mail tool. Email tool body is updated with a field not with hard text. There is text and table below the text in the e-mail body. I want to reduce the width between text and table. Please advice



12 - Quasar

@Neelima1 difficult to see exactly where the root cause of the issue is due to not seeing what the workflow is producing at each tool. But, I'd wager it is within your Report Text tool itself. There is likely additional spacing that was inadvertently put in there when you were initially formatting (i.e. extra spacing after a signature block, etc.) - I do it all the time.


Another option, though less likely, would be the the Layout tool,. It has an option for Cell Padding (middle of the tool's Configuration window. This will add spacing between different elements that are coming in to the tool. 

7 - Meteor

Hi rzdodson


I have added the screen shot of layout, report text, and e-mail tool configuration. Please find attached the doc and advice


Thank you

12 - Quasar

@Neelima1 I am pretty confident it is going to be your Report Text tool. There looks to be extra space after your message. I would highlight the text starting after your last period and move downward. If there are any additional lines, remove those, and then re-run the workflow. Alteryx does not remove these blank lines because it is assumed you wanted them as a part of your formatting. Hope that helps you out! :)

7 - Meteor

Thank you for quick response.....

Yes it is due to space after the text in "Report Text" tool.

It is working perfect now
