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Transpose without repeated values

7 - Meteor

Hi Community! I am having difficulty with this issue. I have transposed all my column headers into a single column, i would like the Entity data to be repeated but the value should correspond to the data that i have originally. I have attached sample data to display the input that i have and the output that i want. Thank you! 

12 - Quasar

Not sure I understand the problem - I have replicated the desired output and hopefully it gets the ball rolling and someone else might be able to get this over the line.



7 - Meteor

hey @ed_hayter . Thank you so much for ur help! However, im looking for something more dynamic as the entity names will change in the future. 

Also i realized i made a mistake in my excel file sorry. below is the new file 

13 - Pulsar

Not following the desired output. Columns K-N are not in your desired output and there is no relation in column O to each of the Entities. If you are just looking to repeat the data in column O for each entity, you only need to use an Append Tool and not include columns K-N. 

13 - Pulsar

@Shannon11113 based on my understanding this should work

7 - Meteor

hey @aatalai thanks for your help! i finally got the right structure that i wanted. bt in my actual data, the values do not correspond to my entity name. instead its showing values frm 3 column backwards… do you know how to solve this? thanks!

13 - Pulsar

@Shannon11113 is it please possible to have some dummy data/screenshot/workflow uploaded?

