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Alteryx Email Tool

8 - Asteroid



How to have a result table embedded as well as some body text written in the same email.


Like if we select table in body, it gets embedded. If we don't select and write text in the box then the text comes.


How to have both in 1 email. Some text which I need to write and then the result table embedded below that text.


(Also, I need that text which I will write to have a variable which will be derived from that embedded table, like number of records in that table for 1 particular country, and another number of records for another particular country)



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

This will be a combination of the Report Text tool to create those snippets of text, along with the Table tool to create the embedded table. Once you create the snippets with those tools, you’d like a Layout tool to arrange them all together. That result is what would go into the body of your Email tool!

8 - Asteroid

What would be the way to add a variable in the email body text  in the report text which shows the number of records in 1 table, and another variable with another number of records in another table?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

You will need to get that count (using likely a Summarize tool or a Count Records tool) beforehand in your workflow so that you can reference it in your Report Text tool!


If you have some sample data, we can help build a small example to illustrate.
