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Quickbase + alteryx

8 - Asteroid

Is it possible to export data from Quickbase via alteryx?


we have our own quickbase site... 

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus



A quick google of "Quickbase API" returns this hit:


You might be the first to build a connector macro to it.





Alteryx ACE & Top Community Contributor

Chaos reigns within. Repent, reflect and restart. Order shall return.
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7 - Meteor
  1. Create a Text Input with a FieldName: TableURL and add table URL to it as a record  (remember that Table Id is different from App Id)



     2. Add a Download tool to the Text Input tool.

  • Basic:
    • URL: TableURL
    • Encode URL Text checked
    • Output to a field String and Data encoded as Unicode UTF-8
  • Headers:
    • do nothing
  • Payload:
    • HTTP Action: GET (or FTP)
    • Select Compose Query String/Body and add the following

Name                       Value

a                               API_DoQuery

usertoken                 [usertoken]           /*can be created in quickbase - see quickbase documentation*/

apptoken                  [Your App Token] /*ask your admin to create one for you*/



  • Connection:
    • do nothing


     3. Then connect this download tool to a XML Parse tool.

  • Field with XML Data: DownloadData
  • XML Element to Parse: Auto Detect Child



You can try to put the following URL in any browser to see xml data[TableId]?a=API_DoQuery&fmt=structured&usertoken=[Your User Token]&apptoken=[Your App Token]

9 - Comet

Reddy, I just ran across this post because I'm also trying to connect to QuickBase using API.


When I try what you have posted below, I receive the error


Error transferring data: Failure when receiving dat from peer.


Do you have any ideas what the issue could be?

9 - Comet

FYI:  I figured out my issue.  I'm on a Virtual Machine and I had to make sure that in my user settings on the advanced tab, that at the bottom I had Enable Proxy Credentials

5 - Atom

Hello, wondering if we can extract the data via JSON query?
