Women of Analytics

Women of Analytics, India Launch at Bangalore Alteryx User Group Meet

7 - Meteor

All you would need to know is - The Launch of "Women of Analytics, India" at Bangalore Alteryx User Group Meet.

@Deanna@SanRup@Nezrin@ydmuley @scolaco @SubratDas5 @MaddieJ@SeanAdams


11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Thank you @Anviksha0110 for your super awesome collaboration!

For all those who missed, a quick recap of the Women of Analytics India launch that took place during our Bangalore user group meet:


This time's user group meet saw an increased number of women participation compared to last quarter and as one of this group's focus is to bring the gender ratio at par, we are still working on some great initiatives to bring out the best in each other.


To encourage how we feel about Women of Analytics and to spread the word, we had a game through-out the event where all attendees were asked to collect flags based on the number of times they talked about WoA. And undoubtedly, it was Sharon @scolaco who won the event with the most number of flags by the end of the event!


Also there was a group activity where everyone was divided into teams and asked to create a word-cloud that describe women who have influenced their lives. Many interesting themes came up especially when both the men and women equally started talking about their experiences and the encouragement factor truly stood out. All groups came up with very creative word clouds but the winners had the Alteryx logo as well! Sharing some pics


At the end of the event, we discussed and spoke about how each and every one of us can go back and change one thing at our personal lives or at work in favor of bringing more women to the limelight.


As simple as getting my sister @Nezlin to sign up for the event and introducing her to Alteryx and how she can leverage our super cool Bangalore user group:)

Do check out her feedback video she shared at the end of the event : https://youtu.be/9VBV9nMT0fU


@ydmuley @Anviksha0110 @scolaco @Deanna @TuvyL @MarqueeCrew @SeanAdams @MaddieJ @SanRup @LeahK @Subratdas


Alteryx ACE | Sydney Alteryx User Group Lead | Sydney SparkED Contributor
12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

WoA!  This is wonderful @Nezrin and @Anviksha0110 and team!  I am so impressed - and moved - by seeing such great collaboration between all attendees, and so much support for Women of Analytics Bangalore!  Outstanding work, and I love the series of games you had created and photos of participation.  It was excellent to note that the "encouragement factor" really was highlighted when everyone spoke about their experiences.  I believe that encouragement is a key factor in the success of women in the analytic world; encouragement from family, friends, coworkers, supervisors, group members, and an important one:  organizations like Alteryx.  It is amazing to see the cool new groups like Women of Analytics Bangalore and Dallas/Fort Worth Women of Analytics, that have started from a single spark here on the Alteryx Community - and are encouraged by our Community leaders!


Great job, and I am looking forward to seeing what your group does next!  I also really enjoyed the video; thank you for sharing!  :) 




