Welcome & Introductions

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Hello There!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi 😊 My name is Kristie. I worked in public accounting for 3 years, and I recently joined Alteryx as part of the Internal Audit team! I'm interested in learning more about Alteryx and ways I can leverage it improve the efficiency of my work. 


Outside of work, I enjoy cardio kickboxing (my new found hobby), spending time at the beach, and watching movies and TV shows (currently watching the Marvel series in order)!


Nice to meet you all! 🙂

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @kristiehuynh , and welcome to the community!!


I love the learnings here, especially the weekly challenge and the interactive lessons .


Glad to have you aboard,



16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Welcome @kristiehuynh !  Congrats on joining Alteryx - I think you'll not only find the people great to work with, but also that their tool will help you quite a bit in your daily tasks!

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hello @kristiehuynh 

Welcome 🙂 to the community! Is passing the certification exam part of the Alteryx's time KPI for the first year?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @kristiehuynh


great to have you! If you're just getting started with Alteryx, I'd recommend checking out the Getting Started Learning Path in the Academy.


Feel free to post a question in the Discussions section if you need any info, help, or guidance.


I would love to try kickboxing, sounds really fun😎


Thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself, and we look forward to seeing you around the community! 


I wish you luck, enjoy learning & keep us posted.

Steph Vitale-Havreng