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Weekly Challenges

Solve the challenge, share your solution and summit the ranks of our Community!

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Want to get involved? We're always looking for ideas and content for Weekly Challenges.


Weekly Challenge Index & Welcome (Page 1)

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


It works. Thank you so much👏👏👏

11 - Bolide

This is really neat!


The only thing I would like is to be able to filter challenges by both experience level and topic at the same that I don't have to scroll through and search for what I need. I am not able to do this from the labels either. If I select spatial, I get all the challenges for spatial, but then I have to go into each challenge to see the experience level. 


I made an Excel file that lets you filter the challenges using slicers so that you can see the challenges you want of a specific experience level and topic. The file has hyperlinks to the challenges, so you can go to the one you want directly from the file.


Right now the slicers are set to only allow you to select one option at a time, but you can change this by clicking on the multi-select icon on the top right of each slicer. I also threw in a column to help you track challenge completion. I'm currently studying for the Advanced Certification I totally needed this! 


If this is useful, I'll update the file weekly. Or if anyone at Alteryx wants to take ownership of the file, you guys are welcome to! 


Best regards, 



11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

I love this - what a helpful resource. 

9 - Comet

How are challenge badges awarded?  I completed my 75th challenge over a month ago, but I have not received the "75" badge yet.

8 - Asteroid

I'm falling in love with Alteryx. 😍

5 - Atom

Helpful list. Looking forward to solving the challenges.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

@modata @shyamraman 


Welcome to the challenges!!




7 - Meteor

This is exactly what I needed! What a genius idea.

19 - Altair

Is it just me or is the (incredibly awesome and useful) workflow tracker breaking down during Tool Regex 122. Issue could be with the syntax change when weekly challenge 268 was added to the index?

9 - Comet

@apathetichell, It is not just you.  I started having issues with it a couple of days ago....right about the time that Challenge 268 was added to it.


@Hannah_Lissaman@Alekh@mceleavey, can it be fixed?