Want to get involved? We're always looking for ideas and content for Weekly Challenges.
SUBMIT YOUR IDEAMy solution! Similar in approach on part 1 as most, but I took a different approach on part 2. Loving these challenges!
Such a fun challenge!!
Will "App-ify" this as well, and update my post when done.
Addendum to my post. Turns out it was really easy to turn into an App. Just took a little creativity on modifying the Base in my formula tool
I think I have a very similar solution to many of the others here.
Here I just thought that the question was »Why did the fish get expelled from School« 😂
Anyway it was a super fun challenge, all though the second part had me going for some time, I am looking forward to see a cleaver solution that solves both, because I more less brute forced the answer for part II
If my calculations is correct, then with this weekly challenge done I have just joined exclusive club of currently 46 members that have passed the Challenge Bergschrund Crevasse 👐
Still Climbing
Hi @Verakso
Congrats on making it to the Bergschrund Crevasse. Keep it up. We look forward to seeing you at the Yellow Band.
BTW: I learned the joke as "Why did the lobster blush"