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String function - "|" not working in string functions

7 - Meteor

String function - "|" not working in string functions.


I need to replace "|'" with spaces on a strung. I am not able to use any string functions with '|'. '|' always defaults to '\'.



13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar
Look into two things. Replace and Regex_replace. Both of those should take care of your problem. You seem to have a lot of regex problems. Check out its THE BEST tool to practice regular expressions
Treyson Marks
Managing Partner
DCG Analytics
8 - Asteroid

Are you using RegEx to do this? 


It works for me if I just do a simple Replace([Field1], '|', ' ')


If you are using RegEx it will not work because '|' means something to RegEx; it's a special character which means 'or'. So if you are entering REGEX_Replace([Field1], '|', ' ') you are giving it a nonsensical instruction. To make RegEx recognize '|' as a non-special character you must use the escape character ('\') in front of it; REGEX_Replace([Field1], '\|', ' ')


I hope this makes sense and works for you :-)

7 - Meteor

When I use Replace it changed to Replace([Chargeline],'/','  ') instead of Replace([Chargeline],'|',' ')

9 - Comet
Hi George. The | is typically Shift+/ in a standard keyboard. Could that be the issue?
8 - Asteroid

Hello George,


I have attached a test workflow for you to look at. I hope that it helps. If the simple Replace() is not working, then I would go with REGEX_Replace()


If neither of those things work for you I am out of ideas i'm afraid :-(

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hey @Georgealex,


I want to respond to this comment




I think that when you look at the formula it only appears to have a forward slash(?) because of the italicizing that Alteryx does. If you look at @G1's example, you can see that his notations under the tool show the pipe (|), but it looks like /



Treyson Marks
Managing Partner
DCG Analytics
8 - Asteroid

Agreed. Except for the 'his' bit. I am a 'her'.

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

@G1 oh snap! my bad. I real talk know a guy we call G6 and that I think is why I made that connection in my head

Treyson Marks
Managing Partner
DCG Analytics
8 - Asteroid

You're forgiven