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Alteryx Automates Jenkins Job Monitoring

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Overview of Use Case

My team builds engine and other back end services that make Alteryx great, and my role is to provide technical leadership and planning for the team. I created a workflow with Alteryx Designer that runs daily via bat script to monitor the status of Jenkins jobs that my team members are working on. 

Describe the business challenge or problem you needed to solve

We use Jenkins for software development projects. It allows us to integrate changes, perform tests and deploy technologies. The jobs that I am monitoring on Jenkins affect around 12 software engineers as well as associated quality engineers and management. It is crucial to know which jobs fail most often and how often they fail. I used to monitor them manually and made notes in Excel with details about the status of each job every morning, but I decided to automate this process using Alteryx.

Describe your working solution

This is a web scraping application which gathers the status of several jobs running on a remote set of computers.


  • I built the workflow in an iterative way. First, I used the Download tool to get the HTML from the page I wanted to monitor
  • Then I used Regex and Filter tools to find the data that I needed which included the job status and the job names. This took a while because the HTML isn’t well formatted for this
  • The final charts are generated in Excel, and every day when the workflow runs it updates the files



Describe the benefits you have achieved

I am trying to increase quality by bringing more attention to the failures and how frequently they occur. Now we know which jobs fail most often and we can use that information to guide development. I spent 4 hours a month before doing this process manually, I now use this time to learn Alteryx more deeply. As technology improves and data is used to make more decisions at lower levels people will achieve higher levels of efficiency and better outcomes for all.