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On-Demand Video..available days ?

5 - Atom

Hi there,


Good Morning !


Good job on the On-Demand videos ! Some of them are very interesting. Can we log back to Inspire at a later date to view them ?..Thank you




Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @RAyx21

After a session has aired in all regions an on demand button should appear in the catalog on that session listing. A note will go out when they are available and it should be within a week after Inspire. Please note that not all sessions will be made available due to contract terms varying from speaker to speaker. 
Flávia Brancato
7 - Meteor

@FláviaB - Will any of the content be saved beyond the following week? I'd love to be able to access the training sessions as I prepare for my next level of certification! Not to mention using the tricks shared on video for my day job 😉

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hi @DFranklin!

Yes they will be live on our post event microsite until July 31,2021 and after that they will be posted to the Academy training area as well.
Flávia Brancato
5 - Atom

Thanks for info

7 - Meteor

Thanks, @FláviaB ! This is great to hear!!

6 - Meteoroid

Hi - Would you mind posting the link to the microsite? I only seem to get the surveys now when I login to the Inspire Site.

I missed so many exciting session, and would love to see some of them on replay! 

8 - Asteroid

Please, get we link to the micro site as someone else said we only have access to the surveys currently.  I was planning to catch up over the weekend on these excellent sessions.  😞  

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Hello everybody! Sit tight. As soon as we have the link available we will share with you. Thank you for your patience! 😀

Flávia Brancato
5 - Atom



Will the training materials used in the training session be available for download so that we can follow along with the training sessions. I downloaded some of the zip files during Inspire but not all of them.


Please advise

