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Don't Forget Your Certification Pins!

Certification Profile Tile.png

If you attended last year’s Inspire event and received a pin from the Certification team, please bring it

and wear it proudly for Inspire 2024!

Certification pins will be available again this year

and can be found at the Customer Education booth under the “Learn”  sign during Maveryx Nation.


If you have an active certification, come see us and claim your pin!



15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Great! I cannot wait to receive them!

Are these badges for only certification for Desktop Designers? Or including other platforms(Server, Cloud, etc.) by any chance?

Hi @gawa , great question!

We will have pins for all certifications except the Alteryx Designer Cloud, Trifacta Classic certifications. Excited to see you there!

9 - Comet

I'm so excited to pick up my Designer Advanced pin this year! 

7 - Meteor

Do you have pins for the micro certifications? Thanks!

Hi @karenewilkins! We will have most of the micro certification pins including Foundation, Auto Insights, and Machine Learning. We will not have the Core micro-credentials. Looking forward to seeing you!