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Standard Normal Distribution, Inverse of a Standard Normal Distribution


Hello, good day to everyone. I would like to know if someone could help me with this problem.


I am trying to automate a predictive model, so for a calculation it is necessary to apply a standard Normal distribution and an inverse of a standard distribution, so I would like to know if there is any way to perform these calculations.

I know that by downloading the Use Predictive tools you can calculate the Standard Normal Distribution, however I cannot access the use of these tools. To make it clearer, the calculation that must be carried out, done in excel, is the following:



X and Y are positive and negative numbers less than 1.


Thank you very much in advance to the people who can help me with this problem.


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @JhonC ! The alteryx abacus that @jdunkerley79  built has normdist and norminv which function similarly to excel: I'd be glad to help if you have any problems installing it using it. You would use those functions in a normal formula tool.


It would be great to have this functionality as part of the 'off-the-shelf' formula tool!
