In search of remnants following the devastating antimatter-matter explosion, sucking Santa deep into a black hole, Santa’s Reindeer went on a quest to uncover clues lost in the Alteryx Community.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check out SANTALYTICS 2019 | Oh no! Santa’s lost in time! We look forward to your participation!
Vixen’s turn, and she’s assigned the Community KNOWLEDGE district, the place to find definitive answers from Alteryx product experts.
There are nearly a thousand Knowledge Base articles, and nearly one hundred Tool Mastery articles, at that! Vixen is distraught, how will she ever find the latest Tool Mastery?
Fear not, Vixen - with advanced search, there are loads of way to filter and sort through content on the community!
Hold onto your answer. You'll need it to complete the final challenge on December 16.
Are you stumped? Feel free to reply to this thread with questions.
Additional information along with contest terms can be found here.
Be sure to tune in Monday for Clue #5!
Most recent in which language? JK. je sais.
2 questions:
1. To the nearest thousand: 75,000 (not the actual clue number) = 75?
2. Rounded? Would 75,775 (not the actual clue number) be 75 or 76?
@MarqueeCrew, good point: English.
@T_Willins wrote:
2 questions:
1. To the nearest thousand: 75,000 (not the actual clue number) = 75?
2. Rounded? Would 75,775 (not the actual clue number) be 75 or 76?
You'd round down to 75. Updated the language in the post - thanks!
Can't seem to find the right Tool Mastery.. Can someone enlighten me please?
This is the search I used: