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Exam pass marks

5 - Atom

Where do I find the exam pass marks?  I get a lovely breakdown but ti doesn't tell me how much I need for each section and overall.  Any ideas?

8 - Asteroid

You will get an overview in your screen after the exam and it is mailed to you. For the exams it is 80% I believe, but you don't have to score that on each section. So you can have 100% on some sections and even 0

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Depending on the certification you took, the passing grade will differ. 


You will receive a breakdown of your scores per section via email and a Credly link if you have passed the exam to claim your badge. It doesn't tell you specifically which question you got right or wrong, just a high level group of questions plus a % of which you scored right.

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE