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Data Science

Machine learning & data science for beginners and experts alike.
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)



At Alteryx, we believe in the power of open source to drive data science and analytics innovation that is accessible to anyone, anywhere. That is why we are excited to officially announce Alteryx Open Source and launch @AlteryxOSS, a Twitter account for Alteryx users and the larger data science community to follow what we’re up to.  


To kick things off, we shared on Twitter the story of how we got to this moment today. By providing the latest on Alteryx open-source and machine learning tools via @AlteryxOSSour hope is to bring even more data scientists together to collaborate and solve pressing business and societal problems with data 


As the importance of open source only continues to grow, we’re thrilled to increase our investment into the data science community through Alteryx Open Source. This launch is part of our commitment to bring data scientists and the analytics community together to create breakthrough solutions to pressing business and societal problems. 


Just a few months ago, we also launched our Data Science Portal as a resource for current and aspiring data scientists, featuring all the data science content we have to offer across our Academy, blogspodcasts, discussions, and more — all in one place. As a leader in analytic process automation, we’re automating the machine learning process to empower anyone to do machine learning, no matter who you are. 


To learn more and stay up to date on Alteryx Open Source, follow us on Twitter @AlteryxOSS, and check out