Download the Designer Advanced Certification Exam Prep Guide:

Exam Overview
The Alteryx Designer Advanced Certification exam allows users to demonstrate their higher-level abilities with Alteryx Designer. The exam builds on concepts included in the Core exam and also requires users to understand a wider breadth of tool functionality and apply their knowledge to more complex applications.
Audience: Anyone who is currently Core certified
Experience Level: Advanced
Price: Free
Exam Type: Online, on-demand
Time allotted: 2.5 hours
Version: The exam tests on the latest version of Desktop Designer with the AMP Engine disabled
Attempts: 1 attempt every 7 days
Questions: 51
Question Types: 48 multiple choice questions, 3 practical application questions
Point Values: 1 point for multiple choice, 4 points for practical application. Partial credit is awarded and deducted for matching and multiple-response questions (“Select all that apply”).
Allowed Resources: This exam is "open book," and we encourage you to be familiar with resources that are permitted for use during the exam: content on Alteryx Community, Alteryx Help Documentation, information on public websites, and sample workflows and other in-Designer resources.
Prohibited Resources: You may not receive assistance from another person, allow another person to take the exam on your behalf, plagiarize any exam answers, or use unauthorized publications of exam answers. See the Alteryx Certification Agreement and Policies for more details.
Recertification: The Alteryx Designer Advanced Certification expires after 2 years. You may retake and pass the Advanced exam OR the Alteryx Designer Expert exam OR any Master exam to renew your Advanced certification.
Download the Designer Advanced Certification Exam Prep Guide: