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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Alteryx ACEIt’s hard to believe that Inspire 2016 is coming to an end. It has been an amazing week – from informative all-day product training sessions, thought-provoking keynotes and real-world case studies using Alteryx, to an amazing evening and gala party on the USS Midway – you can just see it on everyone’s faces... people are INSPIRED. Day 4 was no different, and kicked off with the Alteryx ACE Panel at 8:00AM.


If you don’t know much about Alteryx ACEs or the ACE program, ACEs are a talented group of data analysts and consultants, from small boutique analytics shops to some of the largest multi-national organizations in the world, and they are all very passionate about data and sharing their knowledge and expertise. You can find them blogging about Alteryx and analytics best practices on the Alteryx Community, other analytics forums, and of course Twitter and LinkedIn. If you’ve got a question, more than likely one of these ACEs has a solution, because all the time.


ACE PanelThe Thursday ACE panel included:


  • Michael Barone, a data scientist at Paychex
  • Mandy Grey, a GeoAnalyst Manager at DelhaizeAmerica
  • Joe Lipski, a senior consultant at JavelinGroup
  • Jason Mack, VP of customer and marketing analytics at JPMorganChase
  • And one of the newest ACEs announced earlier in the week, John Schneider, a Data Architect at Sentry Insurance


The ACE Panel provided a unique opportunity for these ACEs to share some of their own experiences using Alteryx, discuss the biggest impact analytics has had on their organization, and general tips and tricks that any user new to Alteryx wouldn’t have wanted to miss.


ACE PanelThe panel discussion was highly informative and introspective, with each of the ACEs bringing their own unique perspectives to the conversation. The topics ranged from how their organizations got started with self-service data analytics to where they thought the future of analytics were going. Personally, one of my favorite parts of the conversation was listening to each of the panelists describe their favorite Alteryx tools and the things they wish they had known when they first started. It was fantastic seeing the ACEs learn new things about Alteryx right there on stage from other ACEs! It just goes to show you how vast and powerful the Alteryx platform is, and the role the community plays in learning and using Alteryx. The ACEs provided a ton of great information and I guarantee that everyone walked away learning something new this morning.


Did you attend the ACE Panel? We want to know! What were the highlights for you? What did you learn? If you would like to learn more about the Alteryx ACE Program, please visit the ACE Program page.

Josh Howard
Sr. Director, Product Management

Josh Howard is a technology product veteran covering trends in information management and based in the Denver/Boulder, CO area. He has more than 20 years of experience in developing product and go-to-market strategies across a wide variety of data technologies including business intelligence, analytics, data integration, and database development. He is currently the Sr. Director of Product Management at Alteryx. You can follow Josh on Twitter at @Joshoward

Josh Howard is a technology product veteran covering trends in information management and based in the Denver/Boulder, CO area. He has more than 20 years of experience in developing product and go-to-market strategies across a wide variety of data technologies including business intelligence, analytics, data integration, and database development. He is currently the Sr. Director of Product Management at Alteryx. You can follow Josh on Twitter at @Joshoward