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Alteryx Server Ideas

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Separate "Alteryx_Run" to "Manual" run and"Api" run

Today, when you trigger a job using the Server API, it is considered as a manual run type. In fact there are only 2 type of jobs : "Scheduled" and "Alteryx_Run"

I think "Alteryx_Run" should be segregated into "API_Run" and "Manual_Run". This way in future version we could treat those type of job differently. 

We could also have more stats around the type of jobs.

1 Comment
11 - Bolide

The great @DavidSta gave me this solution for this :


IF (IsEmpty([AS_Schedules__ID])) THEN

                IF [IsAnonymous] THEN

                                "Gallery API"





                IF [ClientType] == "Gallery" THEN

                                "Gallery Scheduler"


                                "Legacy Scheduler"
