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OAuth2 - Alteryx Gallery API Integration

I’ve had a query from a Team here at my organisation regarding OAuth2. They are trying to investigate whether a Robotic Process Automation Tool can be integrated with the Alteryx Gallery API.

It uses OAuth2 but my understanding is Alteryx Gallery uses OAuth1. 


Can Alteryx Gallery API be enhanced to use OAuth2? A plan to support OAuth2 authentication for a REST API in a future release?   

5 - Atom

Hi @JohnPelletier , Looks like team working on oAuth 2.0 integration for Alteryx Gallery API. Is there any update on this request? Really difficult to use oAuth 1.0 in our projects, so it would be great if we can leverage oAuth 2.0.


Thanks for the help!!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@udaykr25  We are going to support OAuth 2 for our Server APIs in our next release - including our new admin V3 API as well as the V1 and V2 APIs (under a new base URL). Coming soon...

5 - Atom

Thank you for the update @JohnPelletier.


Status changed to: Implemented

Great news! As of Server version 2021.4 all of our APIs have been updated to Oauth2.