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Some queries on Alteryx System Administration

8 - Asteroid

Hello Everyone,


The clients in our project have requested that I conduct a demo session on Alteryx System Administration. The entire purpose was to demonstrate how Alteryx workflows are set up, scheduled, and executed; how Alteryx functions from an application standpoint; and how to assign user responsibilities. It's all okay for me.


But, I am unaware of the following items, for which I will require assistance so that I can at least partially describe them -


1. System start-up/shutdown - What is this?

2. Any (Robot) Job scheduling requirements - It will be managed by us, just we need to know when to schedule a script. Is there anything else?

3. Database backups and administrations - Does Alteryx themselves manage this?

4. Monitoring - Are there any performance monitoring tools available for Alteryx?

5. Password administrations - I guess this will be Windows AD authentication. Is there anything else?


Kindly assist.

14 - Magnetar

1. System start-up/shutdown - This is probably related to how to start and stop the Server if needed. How to start/stop the AlteryxService.

2. Any (Robot) Job scheduling requirements - Any user with the given permissions can schedule workflows from the Gallery, not sure how you are going to handle this.

3. Database backups and administrations - You need to set up backups yourself. 

4. Monitoring - The only free tool is the Server Usage Report 

5. Password administrations - Using Windows AD you don't have any password management on the Server.